Sjálfboðaverkefni í Frakklandi.
AUS er með verkefni á fullum EVS/ESC styrk í Frakklandi. Þar sem allt er innifalið, húsnæði, matur, tryggingar, vasapeningur tungumálakennsla, flugstyrkur og svo margt margt fleira!
Hver sem er á aldrinum 18-30 ára getur sótt um.
Lesa má um verkefnið og móttökusamtökin hér að neðan.
10 December 2018
PROJECT AIM: Supporting Intercultural Education in a Middle School
Location: Paimpol, France
Activity duration: 6 months (7 Jan 2019 – 30 Jun 2019)
Hosting organization: Collège Chombart de Lauwe
Requirements: The most important trait the volunteer should have is motivation, namely the desire to get an intercultural experience and the will to work with young people. No specific educational background or knowledge of the French language is required, only that the volunteer will care about young people, be eager to learn better English and French, and that s/he will be energetic.
The project will take place at Chombart de Lauwe College in Paimpol as part of the institution´s global action related to Europe (educational stays in Iceland, exchanges with Germany and Spain. The volunteer will be a resource person at the college who will find his place in the many projects put in place by the educational teams of the college. Find out more and apply!