Elisaeth, AUS, Germany

Humans of AUS Iceland – Holiday Special 2, Elisabeth from Germany

We continue with our blog; “Humans of AUS Iceland – Holiday special”, where we ask our volunteers working in Iceland about their holiday traditions.

Elisabeth is a 19-year-old volunteer at Waldorf kindergarten in Reykjavík. We asked her how Christmas are like at home.

“The part of Germany I come from is sometimes called the “Christmasland” because it is a big tradition to have special light-bows in every window, which are called “Schwibbogen”, also we have Christmas markets everywhere and decorate our houses a lot in a traditional fashion. On the 24th my mum,dad, sister and I start the day with having breakfast together. We usually watch “Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel” on TV, which was filmed in 1973 and is broadcasted anually on Christmas. In the afternoon we’re having “Stollen”, a cake that also has it’s origins in my region and is only eaten in december. Actually you can buy Stollen even in Reykjavík, though it’s probably not as good.”



Humans of AUS Iceland – Holiday special

We are starting our new blog “Humans of AUS Iceland” about both Icelandic volunteers abroad and international volunteers here in Iceland. The main goal is to get to know our volunteers better through their daily lives, both outside and at work.

This month´s theme is ” The Holiday Season” and we are happy to present you our first volunteer. More to come soon on our website and here…stay tuned!!! Read more


Ný stjórn kosin á aðalfundi AUS

Framhaldsaðalfundur AUS var haldinn fimmtudaginn 5.nóvember síðastliðinn. Read more

Bosnia og Hercegovinia, aus.is

Besta kaffið er í Bosníu…

Það er einkennilegt að líta til baka seinasta hálfa árið og stundum er eins og þetta hafi allt verið draumur.
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